Friday, August 8, 2008

Another party at Grandma Cindy's

On our way home to Vernal we stopped at the Sampson's and Trail had another birthday party. Lucky boy! He had a fork on his plate and decided to be proper with this cake and use his fork. He is learning something! I can't believe my little baby is 1. He is on his way to walking, that is a crazy next step! Thanks for Grandma Cindy he has his first pearl button cowboy shirt and Levi pants!


Tristie hearts Dax said...

i can't believe your baby is one! you deserve a HUGE congrats and a certificate for the crazy year you've been through! Way to go lady.

Whit said...

HOORAY I can look at your blog now!!! I'm glad that you had fun! Love you Whit

P.s ours is

Jaycie said...

I can't beleive we missed trails bday Happy bday buddy!!!