Wednesday, May 18, 2011

We got a turkey! (Don't look if you don't like dead stuff)

Clint -"Tina, I might've spent some money today."

Tina -"oh Yeah, What did you buy?"

Clint -"I totally bought a turkey tag and just shot a huge turkey"

So any of you that knew me growing up know I hated seeing dead animals, the elk mounts in my neighbors house gave me the willeys and I didn't like eating meat. Now I am married to Clint who loves to hunt, our freezer is full of Elk meat and that is what we survive on(and I am thankful) and thanks to Clint we will be sporting a plaque in Trail's room with Turkey feathers. What I've learned is that elk meat is not that bad and actually has a LOT less fat than hamburger. I've learned to suck up that natural disquist to dead animals and put on a happy face for a happy husband. If you couldn't heard Clint's voice on the phone telling me of his AMAZING hunt and the smile he had on his face for that whole week, you could've put on a happy face too. I'm so proud of Clint! He says he is just being a provider for his family, but we all know that he hunts because it loves it and it is just a bonus to get meat out of it. =)

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